Speaking Events
Throughout my career as a Information Security Research Scientist, I have given numerous in-depth lectures on a variety of topics within my fields of research. I’ve spoken at ToorCon, Computer Security Institue (CSI) Security eXchange, IEEE Computer Society & Consultants Network, DEFCON, Pacific Bitcoin, Austin Hackers Association, and the North Texas Snort Users Group.
Bitcoin Time Machine 2012
Context-Keyed Payload Encoding
This presentation introduces a new method of keying a payload encoder which is based entirely on contextual information that is predictable or known about the target by the attacker and constructible or recoverable by the decoder stub when executed at the target. An active observer of the attack traffic, however, should be unable to decode the payload due to lack of the contextual keying information.
Keeping 'Em Honest: Network Security and Monitoring
Today's network security and monitoring devices such as application-aware firewalls and Intrusion Detection / Intrusion Prevention Systems often come with vendor promises of up to date security profiles, attack signatures or filters which block all new attacks and exploits. Presented at CSI SX (2008).
Mnemonic Password
This presentation details some of the issues facing users and managers of authentication systems involving passwords, discusses current approaches to mitigating those issues, and then finally introduces a new method for password management.
Real-time Steganography
with RTP
Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP) is used almost ubiquitously by Voice over IP technologies to provide an audio channel for calls. As such, it provides ample opportunity for creation of a covert communications channel due to its very nature and use in implementation.
SmartCard Security:
An introduction to SmartCards, the GSM network, the SIM SmartCard application, and the security features and mechanisms thereof. After the introduction to the technology, this presentation covers various vulnerabilities and attacks targeted against SmartCards and the SIM application. Presented at Austin Hackers Association (2006).
Steganography Primer
An introduction to Steganography. This presentation covers what steganography is, a bit of history, and traditional and modern methods of steganography with a focus on using imagery, binary executables, and network traffic as cover-mediums. Presented at IEEE Consultants Network of Central Texas (2006), Austin Linux Users Group (2006), North Texas Snort Users Group @ UT Dallas (2006), dc214 (2005)
VoIP Attacks!
VoIP Attacks is divided into three sections – the first touching on Voice-over-IP for the uninitiated, the second section summarizing current and relevant attacks against VoIP systems, and the third focusing on mitigation techniques and what problems they may pose.
CSI (2007) – PDF
EUSecWest (2007) – PDF
IEEE Consultants Network of Central Texas (2007)
ToorCon 8 (2006) – PDF